Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I was reflecting on love again today. This time, I thought about how society viewed relationship and how all of us if not all of us are taught from young to have the need or want to be in a loving relationship with our soul mates.

Someone once said that "it is better to have loved and lost than not love at all." At least I think someone once said that. There are numerous quotes on love and relationships, that I believe everyone would be able to quote at least one. These quotes that we learn come from writers such as Shakespeare, Jane Austen and many others. But have you ever stopped to wonder as to what these quotes teach us? If you reflect on most quotes that you know concerning love and relationship, it would be one of partnership and soul mate.

Yet, I believe that if we were to be taught from young to read these quotes a little differently than what we do now, our view on life and family may change. Take the quote above for example. "It is better to have loved and lost than not to love at all." This could be viewed from another perspective. One of family and friends. It is true this quote concerning families and friends. I guess reflect upon your personal life. Isn't it better to have loved your family or best mates and lost them (through death or other circumstances) better than not receiving love and shared experiences that forces us to grow and mature who we are?

A great book once said to love your neighbour as yourself and if we did not, that our lives were like empty tins. It is also important to love your brothers and sisters as you would love yourself.

When then reflecting on this possibility that love quotes do not just refer to hoping one finds his or her soul mate but rather love in general, we can then shape our lives and views in the way that we live our life. For if we were to teach each other these principles of love and apply it, would there then be a possibility of less war and violence, less hatred and carrying of burdens. It is not to say the world would be one big hippie

As such, if we were to look at love quotes from now on as not just one that suggests a romantic relationship but rather one that points to relationships in general. I think the world would be a better place. =D

Think about it. =D

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